Eat Whole Foods at St Albans Market

Stopped by The Eat Whole Foods stall at St Albans Market today. Great selection of beans, pulses, nuts, cereals, spices and other whole foods

Categorised as health

Recipe for health : A Review

A recent parliamentary report entitled, “Recipe for health” confirms the benefits of diets high in plant based products

Categorised as health

Nutrition – Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, is essential for  energy and antibody production, as well as normal cellular function, growth and development

Categorised as nutrition

Nutrition – Vitamin  B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for a healthy body, but vegans need to make a special effort to include it in their diet

Categorised as health

How to Reduce your Climate Change Impact

More than half the global population is overconsuming and would save 32.4% of global emissions on a low-meat diet. They could save even more on a vegan diet.

Categorised as vegan

Recent News – January 2024

Here are some articles that have recently caught my attention. Every week the news presents further reasons to take up plant based diets

Categorised as climate