Sowing the first batch of Beetroot seeds today
Author: Chris
Vegan since 2018
St Albans, UK
Seasonal Produce – Spring Radish
Picked some radishes today
Recent News – March 2021
Some news items that have recently caught my attention
Protecting the Oceans
Scallop dredging is one of the most destructive type of fishing on sea-floor habitats
Eat Whole Foods
Eat Whole Foods – a great local business
Home Made Bread
Breadmaking and some mathematics today. A formula for bread made with a non-dairy spread
Do Vegans need to take supplements?
Some vegans take supplements, but many do not
Pancakes for Breakfast
I tried something different for breakfast today
Why Vegan? – For the Environment
A further reason for Veganism – reducing our carbon footprint
Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein From?
All required Protein can be obtained from plants
No Planet B – Book Review
There Is No Planet B – A Book for anyone concerned about the climate emergency
The Right Tools for the Job
The right tools make the job so much easier
BOSH Carrot Cake
One of the first tasks of a new vegan is to update their library with a good range of vegan recipe books
Starting the Vegan Journey
It is now over two years since I took up a plant-based diet in order to reduce my footprint on the planet