Recent News – December 2021


Some recent news items from the national press that have caught my attention …

Wool, Fashion, and the Biodiversity Crisis reports on the environmental destruction caused by farming sheep for wool.
The good news is that acrylics and plastics are not needed to replace wool.
A “better path forward exists, with exciting innovations in alternative materials that are not derived from fossil fuels”

Impossible foods raises $2 Billion : vegan businesses are growing fast

Veganism is going mainstream : The Guardian reports that veganism is now part of every day life.

“I can’t give up cheese” is no longer an excuse as Daiya Foods releases a new version of its cheese across Canada and the United States. Hopefully in the UK soon.

Almost 700000 farm animals and birds die in Canada floods : the devastating impact of flooding in British Columbia

We Need To End Animal Agriculture To Meet COP26 Climate Pledges, Says Impossible Foods

Cop26 menu focuses on plant-based dishes with 80% Scottish food

COP26 Vegan Society Blog

By Chris

Vegan since 2018 St Albans, UK