More than half the global population is overconsuming and would save 32.4% of global emissions on a low-meat diet. They could save even more on a vegan diet.
Category: vegan
Go Vegan to Help the Living World
A meat free and dairy free diet will help tackle climate breakdown
Short Quotes Supporting Vegan Values
Some shorts quotes on vegan values to plant seeds in our minds
A Guest Interview With ChatGPT
ChatGPT is a Conversational Artificial Intelligence system. What does it think about veganism?
A Rite of Spring
Sowing the first batch of Beetroot seeds today
Seasonal Produce – Spring Radish
Picked some radishes today
Pancakes for Breakfast
I tried something different for breakfast today
Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein From?
All required Protein can be obtained from plants
BOSH Carrot Cake
One of the first tasks of a new vegan is to update their library with a good range of vegan recipe books
Starting the Vegan Journey
It is now over two years since I took up a plant-based diet in order to reduce my footprint on the planet