Recent News – April 2022


Some news items and reviews that have recently caught my attention

United Nations Report on Mitigation of Climate Change

April 4th. The United Nations Climate Change panel (IPCC) has just published a major report on how to reduce the severity of climate change

“The jury has reached a verdict … we are on a fast track to climate disaster” said the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres

The seriousness of the situation …

“Without a strengthening of policies … Green House Gas (GHG ) emissions are projected to rise beyond 2025, leading to a median global warming of 3.2 (between 2.2 and 3.5) °C by 2100”
[Summary for Policy Makers, Section C.1]

Among other recommendations …

“Diets high in plant protein and low in meat and dairy are associated with lower GHG emissions”
[Technical Summary Section 5.6.2]

Climate Scientist Peter Kalmus’ response …

April 6th. Peter Kalmus, whose book, Being The Change, was reviewed in this blog last October, was one of four scientists arrested for chaining themselves to JP Morgan Chase Bank in Los Angeles in protest at the banks funding of fossil fuel projects.

Landmark Animal Sentience Bill is approved by Parliament (11th April)

where “Animal” means

(a) any vertebrate other than homo sapiens,

(b) any cephalopod mollusc (includes squid, octopus, cuttlefish, nautilus)

(c) any decapod crustacean (includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp and prawns)
In addition to recognising that animals have feelings, the Animal Welfare Bill will see the formation of a UK parliament Animal Sentience Committee.
The good news is that this will deter some of the worst practices of farming, fishing and leisure industries. However, we will still be permitted to eat some of the most sentient animals, such as pigs and octopus. If they could make their feelings known, would the bill get their vote?

Potato-derived milk is on the rise, praised for its sustainability and health benefits (15th March)

The case for a tax on meat (7th April)

An interesting discussion on the economics of meat supply and consumption.

The reason why meat products are so prevalent in our society is because governments give away billions in subsidies to animal agriculture.

But governments shouldn’t introduce a meat tax and then trot off and leave the public to pick up the pieces. It should be just one of a number of measures they should take to move toward a plant-based food system that creates accessible food for all.

As well as its ability to reduce meat consumption, one of the ‘key advantages’ of meat tax is that it could create revenue to help farmers move to alternative income streams and give support to people from low-income families.

Study concludes that a Plant-Based Shift Can Cut Food-Related Emissions By 61%

Seaspiracy Continues Making Waves : Here’s Why Fish Is Not A Health Food

Commercial Fishers Intentionally Kill Sharks to retrieve $1 Hooks
New Zealand’s fishing sector has come under fire for “horrific” practices involving endangered marine animals (4th April)

The NHS is paying for the hidden health costs of cheap meat (7th April)
New report reveals how factory farming puts public health and planet’s future at risk

“Dancing cow day”
It appears that cows revelling in freedom, after being penned up over winter are now a source of entertainment.
Instead, we should be asking questions about an industry that requires sentient animals to be confined for so long.

Meat-Free diets growing in the UK
Currently, around 14% of adults in the UK (7.2 million) are following a meat-free diet. Approximately 1.6 million people in the UK (3%) are currently vegan
Per capita red meat consumption decreased 37% in the 10 years to 2019.
The number of vegans more than doubled from 2019-2022.

Categorised as climate

By Chris

Vegan since 2018 St Albans, UK